Monday, December 14, 2020

The Upstream Model

Your future as a well-paid professional within a service-based industry is in serious jeopardy. Whether it be real estate, mortgage, insurance, wealth
management, or similar, it is time to pay attention to what is happening. Little by little, your customers are warming up to the easy, safe, convenient and non-committal benefits of your complete or partial replacement by ever-advancing technology offerings.

An unwillingness or inability to grow and adapt accordingly will lead to one of the following undesirable outcomes:
1. You own an unprofitable business that pays you subsistence wages to work around the clock while you wear out your health and your relationships.
2. You become a lower-paid functionary/sales and service representative of one of these disruptive technology companies.
3. You are forced out of your industry altogether.

While traditional cold-market and warm-market methods are failing us, I introduce to you a new, or alternative method, The Upstream Model, which allows you to leverage the pros of cold-market (scalability) with the pros of warm-market (relationships).

The Upstream Model allows you to create endless streams of warm referrals. Rather than focusing on large databases of the wrong people to eek out a few sales or referrals a year, this model allows you to get more business from fewer relationships by focusing your value proposition on professionals in different industries that know that a transaction is coming in your industry before these future customers talk to anyone in your industry.

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